Calamus Scriptorius reed / pen - caudal part on the floor of the 4th Ven which looks like a pen
Calcar spur as in the Calacarine sulcus of the Occipital lobe
Canal tunnel / extended foramen as in the carotid canal, at the base of the skull adj canular (canicular - small canal)
Caput relating to the skull
Carotid to put to sleep; compression of the common or internal carotid artery causes coma. This refers to bony points related to the carotid vessels
CAT scan = computerized axial tomography scan – computer mediated Xray image depicting a crossection of the body see also CT scan
Cauda equina horse’s tail - lumbar and sacral N roots of the SC resembling a horse’s tail
Caudate nucleus tail nucleus in the Corpus Striatum, having a long tail
Cavity an open area hence an open area or sinus w/in a bone or formed by 2 or more bones (adj. cavernous), may be used interchangeably with fossa. Cavity tends tobe more enclosed fossa a shallower bowl like space (Orbital fossa-Orbital cavity).
Central sulcus major groove in the coronal plane dividing the frontal and parietal lobes
Cephalic pertaining to the head
Cerebellum little brain – the brain situtated in the PCF - to do with motor coordination, balance and posture – same structure as the Cerebrum – 2 hemispheres cortex
and medulla - only smaller
Cerebrospinal fluid = CSF fluid - fluid surrounding the brain and SC formed by the ependymal cells from filtered blood. It is part of the BBB, and contains sugar, urea and protein - approx 125mls and flows around the brain and SC at any time.
Cerebral cortex GM interconnection b/n the 2 sides via the Corpus Callosum
Cerebral hemispheres = CH L mainly to do with: speech, writing, language & calculation R mainly to do with spatial abilites, face recognition, music perception and production - see Cerebrum
Cerebro-spinal fluid = CSF , fluid surrounding the Brain + SC providinginsulation, nutrition and pressure
Cerebrum Brain – the major 2 hemispheres of the brain – consisting of an outer cortex of Ns = GREY MATTERGM) + inner medulla of N fibres WHITE MATTER (WM)
Chiasma (Gk = ) used for the crossing of the Optic fibres
Chorea dance – irregular, involuntary, movements of the limbs and face – due to degen. of the neostriatum
Choroid AS Chorioid delicate membrane – as in the choroid plexus in the brain or the retina
Cinerea ashes / ashen colour / grey – as in Tuber Cinereum - ventral portion of the Hypothalamus
Cingulate gyrus part of the Limbic System, directly above the corpuscallosum on the medical surface of the CH –to do with emotion and attention
Cingulum girdle as in a bundle of association fibres in the WM of the Cingulate gyrus of the CH, medial surface
Claustrum barrier - thin sheet of GM b/n Lentiform nucleus and the Insula
Cochlea a snail hence snail-like shape relating to the Organ of Corti in the middle ear (adj. cochlear)
Cognition to know – a processing of knowledge for use in higher functions as in recognition and recall for use in problem solving etc
Colliculus small elelvation / mound – e.g. superior and inf. colliculi forming the tectum of the MB – Facial colliculus on the floor of the 4th Ven
Commissural fibres those N fibres crossing the Median plane in the brain or SC (e.g. anterior commisure)
Commissure joining together - a decussation or crossing of large groups of fibres from one side of the median plane to the other in the brain or SC
Cordotomy AS Chordotomy –sectioning of spinothalamic tract for intractable pain (also tractotomy)
Contra opposite (as opposed to ipsi – the same)
Contralateral on the opposite side (as opposed to ipslateral on the same side)
Corona crown – fibres radiating from an inner point outwards - as in the Corona Radiata – fibres from the internal capsule to the CC
Corpus Callosum hard body – the main neocortical commissure of the
CH – connects the 2 CH via large mass of axons crossing from one side to the other
Corpus Striatum striped body - mass of GM with motor functions at the base of each CH
Cortex outer rind / bark – outer GM of the cerebrum and cerebellum
Cortical plasticity ability of connections b/n Ns of the CC to change
Cranial Nerve (CN) N coming directly from the brain not the SC
Cranium the cranium of the skull comprises all of the bones of the skull except for the mandible.
Crest prominent sharp thin ridge of bone formed by the attachment of muscles particularly powerful ones e.g. Temporalis/Sagittal crest
Crus leg – e.g. Crus Cerebri - the ventral part of the
Cerebral Peduncle of the MB
CT scan = computerized axial tomography scan – computer mediated Xray image depicting a cross-section of the body see also CAT scan
Cuneus wedge – e.g. gyrus on the medial surface of the CH – Fasciculus Cuneatus of the MB & SC
Cutus skin - hence cutaneous branches refer to the Ns supplying the skin & adnexae
Monday, May 17, 2010
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