Sunday, May 29, 2011
Sunday, January 9, 2011
Seminar Physiocare
Fisioterapis Stroke Di Klinik Sasana Stroke Service,Jakarta Tahun 2010
"hari minggu tgl 16 jan jam 8-13
dkebon nanas cipinang jakarta,
biaya Rp 50.000,-(mhsw),Rp 100.000,-(alumni)
biaya sudah termasuk makan siang dan registrasi awal anggota physiocare,,,
info lbh lanjut hub rendy(085781251908)
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Tapping (English Version)
Application tape is not just for athletics only, it turns out even 85% is used by the non-athletic. The recording is a term in English that refers to using the tape (plaster). Records are a form of straping. The recording is a therapeutic procedure using a special tape applied to the skin to facilitate the body's natural healing process with support and stabilization for muscles and joints
Special tape 2 inches wide, elastic, that it does not interfere with movement around the joints. Contains components that are gluten and irritation, not contain ingredients/special drugs therein without LaTeX. You can take 3-5 days duration, waterproof (waterproof), porous, and easy to use.
Taping can be set from the acute phase of prevention, injury, acute, chronic and rehabilitation. The physiological effects on the skin, fasces, muscles, blood circulation and lymphatic and joints. But cannot be transferred to open wounds, skin infections, cellulite, deep vein thrombosis (DVT), there are over the area of lesions. And special attention for people with diabetes, kidney disease, congestive heart failure, CAD or noise in the carotid artery, and pregnant women
Taping techniques vary, but there are three common methods used sports tape methods (preventive sports tape), Kinesio tape methods for Mc Connell and taping techniques .... Taping techniques will be presented at this time, Kinesio tape technolog
t is Dr. Kenzo Kase, a chiropractor and acupuncturist who design and develop Kinesio recording that has developed since 1973 in Japan method and still continues to do research for the use of adhesive tape in a variety of clinical conditions. Even formed the tape Kinesio Association (the Association of Kinesio taping) since 1984 in Tokyo, Japan. And there are now 30 countries in the same. Indonesia have become one of them?
Taping adalah istilah dalam bahasa inggris yang merujuk pada menggunakan tape (plester). Taping adalah bentuk dari straping. Taping merupakan prosedur terapeutik menggunakan tape khusus direkatkan pada kulit untuk memfasilitasi proses penyembuhan alami tubuh dengan menyangga dan stabilisasi pada otot dan sendi.
Tape khusus yang memiliki lebar 2 inchi ini bersifat elastis sehingga tidak menghambat gerakan diseputar sendi. Mengandung bahan dan perekat yang bersifat bebas iritasi, tidak mengandung ramuan/obat khusus didalamnya, bebas lateks. Dapat menempel 3-5 hari lamanya, tahan air (water resistant), berpori, dan mudah aplikasinya.
Taping dapat diberikan mulai dari fase preventif, cedera akut, sub akut, kronis dan rehabilitatif. Memiliki efek fisiologis pada kulit, fascia, otot, sirkulasi/limfatik dan sendi. Namun tidak dapat diberikan diatas luka terbuka, infeksi kulit, selulitis aktif, deep vein thrombosis, diatas area yang terdapat keganasan. Dan perhatian khusus pada penderita diabetes, penyakit ginjal, gagal jantung kongestif, CAD atau bruit pada arteri karotis, serta pada ibu hamil.
Tehnik taping bermacam-macam, namun ada tiga tehnik yang umum digunakan yaitu tehnik taping atletik (prophylactic athletic taping), tehnik taping Mc.Connell dan tehnik taping kinesio. Tehnik taping yang akan disajikan kali ini adalah tehnik taping kinesio.
Adalah Dr. Kenzo Kase, seorang chiropractor dan akupuntur yang mendesain dan mengembangkan metode kinesio taping yang telah berkembang sejak 1973 di Jepang dan masih terus melakukan riset untuk penggunaan tape pada kondisi klinis yang beragam. Bahkan beliau telah membentuk The Kinesio Taping Association (Asosiasi Kinesio Taping) sejak 1984 di Tokyo, Jepang. Dan kini sudah ada 30 negara yang ada didalamnya. Apakah Indonesia telah menjadi salah satunya????
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Preventing Back Pain at Work and at Home
Plan ahead what you want to do and do not be in a hurry.
Position yourself close to the object you want to lift.
Separate your feet shoulder-width apart to give yourself a solid base of support.
Bend at the knees.
Tighten your stomach muscles.
Lift with your leg muscles as you stand up.
Don't try to lift by yourself an object that is too heavy or an awkward shape.
Get help.
Guidelines for Protecting Your Back
Picking Up a Light Object:
To lift a very light object from the floor, such as a piece of paper, lean over the object, slightly bend one knee and extend the other leg behind you. Hold on to a nearby chair or table for support as you reach down to the object.
Picking Up a Heavy Object:
Whether you are lifting a heavy laundry basket or a heavy box in your garage, remember to get close to the object, bend at the knees, and lift with your leg muscles. Do not bend at your waist.
When lifting luggage, stand along side of the luggage, bend at your knees, grasp the handle and straighten up.
Holding An Object:
While you are holding the object, keep your knees slightly bent to maintain your balance. If you have to move the object to one side, avoid twisting your body. Point your toes in the direction you want to move and pivot in that direction. Keep the object close to you when moving.
Placing an Object on a Shelf:
If you must place an object on a shelf, move as close as possible to the shelf. Spread your feet in a wide stance, positioning one foot in front of the other to give you a solid base of support. Do not lean forward and do not fully extend your arms while holding the object in your hands.
If the shelf is chest high, move close to the shelf and place your feet apart and one foot forward. Lift the object chest high, keep your elbows at your side and position your hands so you can push the object up and on to the shelf. Remember to tighten your stomach muscles before lifting.
Supporting Your Back While Sitting:
When sitting, keep your back in a normal, slightly arched position. Make sure your chair supports your lower back. Keep your head and shoulders erect. Make sure your working surface is at the proper height so you don't have to lean forward. Once an hour, if possible, stand, and stretch. Place your hands on your lower back and gently arch backward.
Monday, October 18, 2010
Trainer of Training Manual therapy On Musculoskeletal
Klinik dr.Airiza Ahmad,SpS (K)
Jl.Kebon nanas No 7
Jakarta Timur
Tanggal : Minggu, 31 Oktober 2010
Jam : 08.00 - 17.00
Peserta Maksimal 15 Orang
Pembicara : JH.Seman.Dipl.PT
Pendaftaran: Rubiyanti :08567037589